The joy of mommyhood


Written on Sunday, September 21, 2008 by Jessica

Last week, Seth made me the happiest mommy in the world. He patted my shoulder and said, "Mommy." I almost said, "Yes, I'm Mommy," but he continued to pat my shoulder and said, "Wuv you, Mommy." Yup, I cried.

New language at


Written on Friday, September 19, 2008 by Jessica

In honor of National Talk Like a Pirate Day, google is now available in Pirate.

It's sinking in!


Written on Sunday, September 14, 2008 by Jessica

Seth warmed my heart the other day when he patted the bed next to him and asked me to "lie down." Correct grammar! Happy mommy.

New rule


Written on Sunday, September 07, 2008 by Jessica

You can see from my twitter feed that I've resolved to weigh myself no more than twice a week. The day-to-day weight fluctuations are a drag. Yesterday, the lying scale said I'd lost eleven pounds (woo-hoo!); today, it said seven pounds (boo!). Stupid scale.

P&P is on its way, but I won't open it until I'm sure that I've actually lost the promised ten pounds. Maybe my next reward should be a more-accurate scale.

On its way


Written on Saturday, September 06, 2008 by Jessica

I've lost eleven pounds, so "Juno" should be on its way, but last night as I was watching "Juno" on pay-per-view for the hundredth time, Husband said, "You really like this movie, don't you." It was as if he was making a mental note, "Buy 'Juno' for Jess's birthday." Soooo, I guess I'll pick something else, just in case. If "Juno" doesn't arrive in December wrapped in a birthday or Christmas bow*, I can always make it a reward for losing a different ten pounds. Sooooo, I've ordered "Pride and Prejudice" instead, the 1940 Garson-Olivier version. I currently have it on VHS but haven't owned a VHS player for years.

Only eight more "ten pounds" to go. For my next ten pounds, I'm going to buy myself a new pair of athletic shoes.

*Who am I kidding? Wrapped? If it does arrive, it'll be in a plastic Wal-Mart bag, guaranteed.

In a world... without Don LaFontaine


Written on Tuesday, September 02, 2008 by Jessica

Movie trailers will never be the same. We'll miss you, Don.